Working with EFKen
Zana za Biashara
EFKen provides equipment loans for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and farmers. By becoming an approved equipment supplier for our leases, you will no longer have to turn away SMEs who do not have the cash outright to purchase your equipment, or who do not have enough collateral or are not formal enough to qualify for a traditional bank loan. This will mean you can access a much larger market for your equipment.
Once the customer has paid their down-payment to EFKen and signed a contract, EFKen will place the order directly with the supplier; note that EFKen will purchase the equipment and assume legal title, not our customer. We aim to have service and maintenance arrangements with the supplier for the tenor of the lease in order to ensure that customer’s business operates smoothly.
We have a database of approved equipment suppliers which is given to customers when they attend our workshops and seminars. The customer then contacts their preferred equipment suppliers to request pro forma invoices for the equipment they require, which are included in their application. EFKen thoroughly vets all its customers, investing in reliable applications only. If their application is approved then EFKen will contact the suppliers to verify the pro forma invoices and prepare a final equipment package for the customer’s approval.